
The Window!

Hello, here is a new blog from a new land. They call it the city of love. Yes, your guess is right and so Bonjour! After a couple of weeks in this new land, roaming through the streets of the island late in the evenings after the lab work, the trigger it created to the […]

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Coffee: extra thoughts!

Catching up with you people after a long time. I hope everyone is adjusted to the new normal with masks to mouth, buses with crowded people below the board ‘follow social distancing’, numerous online sessions and people cautiously removing masks while speaking with others. This blog is just a reflection of my long-held thoughts, writing […]

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The empty road…

Hi, after a long break, I am writing. My friends were like “have you disappeared?”. Yes, I disappeared into my own lane of thoughts. I need that once in a while to recharge and come back. Though I did no ‘so-called productive work’ for a while, but the time was really productive for the self. […]

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Silence, please…!

Glad to catch up with you all again. While the country is in distress about the extended lockdown, I think there are only a few, who really took advantage of this lockdown period. I agree it is a disaster for people with low-income levels. For anyone whose basic necessities are not met, it is outrageous. […]

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The Missing link

After so much buzzing noise, rushing cars, the demanding deadlines, drained minds, and the life which was in the autoplay took a respite as nature pressed the pause button. It’s purely golden time to reflect on the deep-held thoughts. Though extroverts may find it prisoned, they should take this time to reflect on life and its […]

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That midnight conversation…

And so I am back deep in thoughts. I think writing down the downpour of thought voids it and give clarity. That’s why I am here. Let me share something that puzzles me many a times but strongly hit the previous night while having an intense midnight conversation. Midnight conversations are always the best I […]

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Happy birthday my love…!

I am so excited to begin this. I have never been crazy on someone to this extent that my heart smiles when I hear his name. All my sorrows vanish away when I see his photo. Even my friends tease me with his name. I don’t know what love is. But as Osho says, be […]

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