Coffee: extra thoughts!

Catching up with you people after a long time. I hope everyone is adjusted to the new normal with masks to mouth, buses with crowded people below the board ‘follow social distancing’, numerous online sessions and people cautiously removing masks while speaking with others. This blog is just a reflection of my long-held thoughts, writing it to know if there are answers somewhere among the readers.

It was a mild sunny day, at peak office hours, I was holding a cup of coffee in the canteen with an ocean of thoughts amidst the crowd of new normal. What my eyes glanced at is as follows, someone in a hurry shouting at the billing person, someone else trying to be smart by breaking the line, still someone in an oscillation of what their stomach wishes to have as breakfast, some other held up in some serious phone conversation, some people in a group laughing and some others staring each other, even others giving a compelled smile to familiar faces as they walked by, some with excitement, while some with fatigue walking around in between the noise of scattered words like coffee, tea, sugarless, parcel etc., Everyone seems to be occupied by things they need to do and every single person prioritizing their work as the ultimate one. While sipping a hot coffee, my mind muttered “for what are these people running?”. When I resisted those thoughts by shutting my mind telling that it’s not time to speak philosophies, but my turn to run too in a busy morning. The perseverant mind still muttered, “ why do ‘you’ run?”. With the most irritation of not being able to control those thoughts, I replied I run to ultimately make a living. The after conversation is in form of dialogue.

Mind: Why do ‘you’ run?

Me: To make a living and that is how life is been designed.

Mind: Why do you even want to live?

Me: Why wouldn’t I?

Mind: But are you aware of what this life actually is?

Me: Silence.

(The evolutionary sense (ES) of mind jumped in conversation)

ES: Life is ‘change’ and anything that doesn’t keep up the pace is kicked out and life keeps evolving to its best, the barren planet eons back is now with great unbelievable diversity, that is what life is.

Me: (with great excitement of finding out something) To keep up the pace is exactly why everyone is running. So, now your question is answered, right?

Mind: Not really. Why should people care to keep up the pace?

ES: To maintain fitness.

Mind: So, you tell everyone runs to be in the race?

Me: (Baffled! ) yes sort of.

Mind: So, what is that race?

ES: See, everyone runs and struggles to pass their genes across generations while nature carefully culls out the inferior one. So, everyone tries in one or another way to make themselves superior and not to be kicked off.

Me: (to mind) Ya, that makes sense and answers your question. Everyone runs to earn and make a living, so that they could get a better partner in terms of genes and so they could make their genes better and fit, to be a survivor of the selection sieve. Also, they could then take care of their inherited genes with sophistication assuring their fitness too. Ultimately all struggle for money and desire for other materialistc things and experiences is one or other modification of the act of selfish gene to perpetuate.

Mind: So, those inherited genes then run to pass their genes and take care of the inherited genes? Is that so?

ES: Exactly, that is why we term them as “selfish genes”.

Mind: Fine, so those selfish genes make people run. That’s fine.

ES: Yes, and I think I saved her from your questions.

Mind: (to itself) You actually have put her into actual trouble now.

Me: But… I have a question.

(Mind silently observing)

ES: What?

Me: What will ultimately happen by organisms desire to perpetuate its gene? Ultimately where does it lead to? Generation after generations, selfishness and struggle for fitness- WHY?

ES: Silence.

Mind: Job is done!

Me: Life is complex and we run the race without even knowing what the race is! Crazy us..

Mind: I got my answer at last.

The emptiness occupied the coffee cup and my mind and everyone seemed crazy altogether.

My friend: Don’t have any work today?

(Me to myself: There is a lot of work, but I don’t understand “why” I do them!)

Me to my friend: Ya, I am leaving.

I hope everyone found something meaningful with the crazy conversations. If you know the answer to the ultimate “WHY” please save me!

Funny question: Is this what people term multiple personality disorder?! Am I the one advertising the symptoms of it?

Cool! Get back to your race!

2 thoughts on “Coffee: extra thoughts!

  1. This question of ‘why’ of doing things is faced by every person, it’s ok to have that question sometimes, and I feel that it’s also ok to do things even if we don’t know why we are doing it, time gives us answer for our every question.

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