
The best place to explore!

Hello, everyone reading this. Hope you all had a good weekend and are wondering about a blog from me on a weekday and that too on a Monday. Yes, I usually write on weekends, but I was tired of exploring the best place and so couldn’t make it to writing. But now I am back […]

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Coffee: extra thoughts!

Catching up with you people after a long time. I hope everyone is adjusted to the new normal with masks to mouth, buses with crowded people below the board ‘follow social distancing’, numerous online sessions and people cautiously removing masks while speaking with others. This blog is just a reflection of my long-held thoughts, writing […]

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When Darwin joins for a coffee!

A very fresh attempt of trying something, out of my writing style. I normally write science blogs with a different tone. But this time, I am just giving life to one of the imaginary conversations that happened inside my head many days back. Hope you find it intriguing. Only hindrance I had in turning those […]

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The Missing link

After so much buzzing noise, rushing cars, the demanding deadlines, drained minds, and the life which was in the autoplay took a respite as nature pressed the pause button. It’s purely golden time to reflect on the deep-held thoughts. Though extroverts may find it prisoned, they should take this time to reflect on life and its […]

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